
时间:2022-02-08 自荐信 我要投稿




英文的自荐信 篇1

  Letters of Self-introduction



  构词特点:introduce (v.介绍)+ tion(名词后缀)

  短语:make an introduction作介绍

  e.g.Please make a self-introduction.

  He is reading the introduction of the new product (产品).

  1 You are a member of the“Pen Pals”club at the school.你是学校“笔友俱乐部”的一名成员。

  pen pal (又作pen friend) a Person who you make friends with by exchanging letters, even though you may never meet笔友

  e.g.I have communicated (交流) with my pen pal for many years. Many pen pals may never (从未) meet each other.

  The club often receives letters from students of various countries.俱乐部常常会收到来自世界不同国家的学生的来信。

  club n.a society of people who join together for a certain purpose,for example,sport or amusement俱乐部

  e.g.We belong to the golf (高尔夫球) club.

  I've joined the school football club.

  various adj.different from each other;of (many) different kinds不同的,多方面的;各种各样的

  e.g.There are various ways to answer this question.

  He decided to leave school for various reasons (原因).

  In those letters the writers all introduce themselves.They want to ask for pen pals.他们在信中会介绍自己,并希望找到笔友。

  introduce vt.①to make one person known for the first time to another介绍

  常用搭配:introduce sb.to sb.else把某人介绍给??

  ②to bring in or use something for the first

  e.g.May I introduce my friend Johnson to you?

  He introduced himself as a bank clerk(职员).

  Potatoes were introduced into Europe(欧洲)from South America (南美洲).

  Now the director of the club is putting them up on the school’s bulletin board.现在,俱乐部的管理员正打算把这些信张贴到学校的公告栏上。

  director n.①a person who controls or manages an organization or company负责人,理事

  ②someone who directs a play or film,deciding how it is

  performed and filmed导演

  构词特点:direct (v.指示)+-or(名词后缀:参加某种活动的人)

  e.g.She was appointed (任命) to the position (职位) of sales director.

  The director of the film also appeared(出席)at the party.

  bulletin n.a short official notice or news report intended to be made

  public without delay公告;布告

  e.g.Here is the latest (最新的) bulletin about the President’s (总统的) health.

  There is a new notice on the bulletin board.

  boardn.a long thin flat piece of cut wood木板

  短语:on board在船上(火车上、飞机上),在公共交通工具上 扩展:blackboard黑板

  e.g.She pinned(钉上)the name list (名单) up on the notice board. Get on board!

  You may choose or your pen pal there.你可以从中选择你的'笔友。 What will affect your decision?It can be age, gender or interests. 年龄、性别或兴趣都可能影响你的决定。

  affect vt.to influence or to cause a result or change in something影响 e.g.This area will be affected by the hurricane(飓风).

  She was deeply affected by the news of his death.

  decision n.a choice of one out of a number of possibilities决定;裁决 构词特点:decide(vt.决定)+.sion(名词后缀)

  短语:make a decision做出决定

  Eg. Who made the decision to go there?

  The moment of decision has arrived.

  Interest n. 兴趣

  Vt. 使(某人)感兴趣

  e.g.I have no interest in politics(政治).

  The child’s interest must come first.

  Are you interested in history?

  Read the letters below and choose the one you are interested in.请看下面这几封信,并从中选择一位你感兴趣的笔友。

  2 “I am a Finnish girl.and I am 19.I want to write to a pleasant Chinese student who can speak English.I also study English at schoo1.我是一名来自芬兰的女孩,今年19岁。我希望能与一位会讲英语的、讨人喜欢的中国学生通信。我也正在学校学习英语。 What I like to do most after class is cooking,swimming and collecting stamps.在课外,我最喜欢的是烹饪、游泳和集邮。

  Collect vt.to gather together收集,收藏

  e.g.Collect the books and put them on my desk.

  She likes collecting foreign coins(硬币).

  Please write to:PO Box 135,00382 Helsinki,Finland.”请致信以下地址:芬兰赫尔辛基邮政信箱135,邮编00382。”

  3 “I am a Japanese boy.and I am 18 years old.I have English lessons at school and I like them very much.“我是一个日本男孩,18岁。我的学校开设了英语课,而且我很喜欢英语。

  I would like a pen pal who is also learning English so that we could exchange letters in English.所以,我想结交一名同样也在学习英语的笔友,这样我们就可以用英语互相写信了。

  Exchange vt.to give something to someone who gives you something else交换,互换;交流


  e.g.I exchanged the goods (货物) for cash(现金).

  They exchanged their ideas(想法).

  My hobbies are pop music,football,and coin collecting.我的兴趣是流行音乐,足球和收集硬币。

  hobby n.an activity which you enjoy doing in your free time业余爱好 e.g.Do you have a hobby?

  Playing table tennis is his hobby.

  coin n.a Diece of money made of metal硬币

  短语:toss a coin扔硬币(决定某事)

  e.g.I need some coins for the ticket machine(自动售票机). We tossed (扔,掷) a coin to decide who will have the ticket.

  We can talk about our hobbies in our letters.Please write to me at this address:PO Box 138,Tokyo,Japan.”在信中,我们可以聊聊各自的兴趣爱好。请按以下地址写信给我:日本东京邮政信箱138号。” address n.details of where someone works or lives地址

  e.g.I can’t rcad the address.Where should I send the letter? Tell me your address,please.

  4“I am Charlie Smith of the United States,and I am a college student.“我叫查理·史密斯,来自美国。我是一名大学生。

英文的自荐信 篇2

  dear ms. yang,

  i am a registered engineer in the state of michigan, and i am presently seeking a position in the roofing industry. a copy of my resume is enclosed, and i would like to talk with you should you have an appropriate opportunity for me at kelco corporation.

  my most recent assignment was to manage projects at forte products company to develop products for the commercial roofing industry. part of my responsibility was to provide technical support to sales people, when they had questions of a technical nature from their engineering or architectural customers.

  i have experience in quality assurance and the application of control charting to a large insulation line at forte products. this resulted in a 23% reduction in scrap and a 76% reduction in customer complaints.

  i am seeking a position as a team leader or manager in product or process development, or in quality assurance. my compensation requirements are in the $65,000 to $70,000 range, and i am open to relocation.

  i would welcome the opportunity to talk with you and discuss the technical contributions i could make to the kelco corporation, especially in the development of exciting new roofing products.

  thank you for reviewing my credentials, and i look forward to hearing from you shortly.


英文的自荐信 篇3

  dear leaders:


  i am honored to have the opportunity to you goes to my profile. participate in social occasion, in order to better play to their talents, i wish all the leaders to make a few self-recommendation.

  my name is tan xx, graduated from the jiangxi college of foreign studies. i majored in business japanese, good performance in school. in professional writing skills with good listening and speaking, by many teachers and students praise and recognition. actively participate in school activities. do want to apply for your japanese translation of this position.

  accompanied by youthful passion and thirst for knowledge, the knowledge i have completed college tour, a better university life, to develop a scientifically rigorous way of thinking i am, i created a more positive and optimistic attitude towards life and the pioneering spirit of innovation. classroom expansion of a broad range of internal and external social practice, a solid foundation of knowledge and a broad perspective, so i understand the community; in continuous learning and work to develop a rigorous, pragmatic style of work and solidarity of excellent quality, so i am confident that their entirely on the job in setting, dedication, more business! i believe my skills and knowledge is your organization needs, i sincerely desire, i can do for the unit tomorrow to give their youth and blood!

  the 21st century calls for comprehensive talent, i cheerful and lively, wide range of interests; open-minded, steady work; the collective interest, strong sense of responsibility; others with sincerity, work initiative seriously, rich professionalism in the three years of school life, i am good grasp of professional knowledge in school has spare capacity in the case, i read a lot of professional and extra-curricular books, so i know i have been convinced that the belief is: only trying to do, i will succeed!

  written submissions are not advertisements, not a pass. but i know: a young, through continuous learning to improve yourself, you can prove himself in practice. dear leaders, awarded if you appreciate that i can, i will dutifully with concrete actions to prove to you: your past, i have no time to participate; but for your glory, i would like to dedicate my life to hard work and sweat !

  once again extend my most sincere thanks!



  self-nominations were: xx

  in january 20xx xx xx day

英文的自荐信 篇4

  Dear Sir,

  I am securing a job. Not any job with any company, but a particular job with your company only.

  Your organization is more than just a business house. It is an institution in the minds of the local public. It has a reputation for fair play and honesty with both employees and customers alike.

  For the past four years, while specializing in international trade at college, I have had a secret ambition to work for your organization. I will graduate in July this year. As I write this letter, I do not know that there is an opening at present in your company. I am enclosing my qualifications which prompt me to make application now.

  I would be very happy to work under your supervision if it is possible.

  Thank you very much for your kind attention. Please send me an answer at your earliest convenience.

  Respectfully yours,


英文的自荐信 篇5

  Dear Sir or Madam,

  Your recruiting advertisement for Overseas trainee on xx is of great interests to me. With a sound educational background – two master degrees awarded by University of Wollongong Australia and one bachelor degree awarded by Nanchang Institute of Aeronautical Technology, China - and a keen desire to be a part of a professional firm, I am submitting my resume and wish to apply for the position referred above.

  In addition to my academic excellence, my various aptitudes displayed in extra curriculum activities combined with fluent English ability as well as proficient IT skills prepare me a qualified candidate. I hold the belief that I will make positive contribution to your company.

  Thank you for your time and consideration and I am looking forward to becoming an integral member of your motivated team and would appreciate your evaluation by granting me an interview.

  With enthusiastically personal regards.

  Sincerely yours,

  Li Fang

英文的自荐信 篇6

  Dear Human Resources Leadership:

  Hello! Heartfelt thank you for your busy schedule to read this material I.

  My name is Song辉耀, M, 21 years old, from Lanzhou, Gansu. In June XX and graduated from vocational and technical resources and the environment, Lanzhou Institute of Mine Surveying Professional.

  I February XX to April XX the company name during the period: copper silver Samwon limited liability company, the main catalog to mine geology, core identification, CAD and the production of ore processing, as well as the geological survey and mine surveying. Is what I learn in school applications; a variety of practice in schools, but also made me more careful thinking and more to endure hardship and accept the challenge; the scene of the construction management team I have great management capabilities to improve.

  In the catalog as mine geology, geological surveying and mine surveying, we must practice a large number of the field in order to ensure the quality of work, schools are set up for us such a platform. Schools in the core identification, catalog mine geology, geological surveying and mine surveying abnormal attention, every student should master these basic skills. We have learned the professional courses are: general geology, minerals, petrology, measurement science, paleontology, and history of stratigraphy, structural geology, mine geology, sedimentary rocks and sedimentary facies, hydrogeology, environmental geology, mineral deposit geology as well as the mine plan and so on.

  With relevant practical experience, can adapt quickly to complex, boring work. Internship experience, as I am not going to just step out of the ivory tower of the students work for their own illusions. On the contrary, I would be more satisfied with their duties to carry out a relatively complicated and boring day-to-day work.

  Minco Mining distinguished workers (China) Limited for the leadership of your organization in the recruitment information to see, I would very much hope that this post can be. But I also know that I am currently in school or in his capacity as may be the biggest obstacle to stop me, this is only my desire to just a good. In any case, be able to receive your appointments, I will be very excited and look forward to your good news!



英文的自荐信 篇7

  Respect of sir/miss:

  Hello! Please forgive disturb。 I am a just from xx college business English majors of college。 I'm honored to have the opportunity to you in my personal information。 In all social occasion, in order to find the accord with his professional and interested in the job, better use of their talents, to achieve their life values, and extend to all the leaders made a remend ourselves。

  As a business English major students', I love my professional and for its input and a huge enthusiasm and energy。 In the three-year study life, I have studied included business outside the basic knowledge to use as many aspects。 Through analyzing the knowledge of study, I in this area have related knowledge of a certain extent of understanding and mastering, the profession is a tool and the ability to use the tool is the most important in and curriculum synchronism of relevant practice and practice, is certain to actual operation ability and technology。 In the school work, strengthening exercise the ability to get, learning management knowledge, absorb management lessons。

  I know of puter and network is the future tool, in study of the profession of puter premise, I made a huge interest in and read many of the related books, Windows 98/20xx, Visual Foxpro program design, medium and high-grade office automation, puter primary tutorial。 Proficient in using Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Windows and other office software。

  In my life is in a period of energetic, I wanted a broad world to expose their own talent, and I'm not satisfied with current level of knowledge, the expectations in practice get exercise and improved, so I hope I can join your pany。

  I'll do dependably belongs to own a job, does utmost of work to achieve good results。 I believe that through own diligence and struggling, certainly will make due contribution。

  Just thank you in spite of being very busy giving my attention, wish your pany business, and prises, wish your career white foot pole head, further!

  I am enclosing a resume, such as an opportunity to meet with you, I'd be very grateful。 Even if your pany thought I was still not patible with your condition, I also will continue to focus your pany's development, and on this my most sincere wishes。

